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Obedience Training

Prairiefire Kennel's Obedience Training program is designed to instill new habits in your young dog or old veteran. We teach your dog how to be a good citizen through education. This program is intended for the family companion and takes approximately 8 to 12 weeks to complete.

Upon completion your dog will know the following commands:

  • Heel

  • Down

  • Kennel

  • Sit

  • Here

  • Place


Basic Training

Prairiefire Kennel’s Basic Retriever Training program is intended to be the foundation for more advanced gun dog or Hunt Test training.  This program takes about 4 months to complete.

During Basic Retriever Training your dog will learn the obedience commands of Sit, Here, Heel, Down, Kennel, and Quiet. Learning to sit and come with the whistle is taught during this time as well.

The dog will be taught to deliver a bird to you without chewing, dropping, mouthing, or eating it through the conditioned retrieve process.  During conditioned retrieve training, your dog will be taught the commands of Hold, Drop, and Fetch.

After completing conditioned retrieve training the dog will be conditioned to the electronic collar where we reinforce known obedience commands. Once your young dog has progressed through Basic Retriever Training it should be able to sit steady to shot, mark a single bird down on land or water and deliver that bird to you fit for the table. These dogs will also be introduced to birds, decoys, boats, dog stands, hunting blinds, etc.  Your dog would be considered a started gun dog at the end of Basic Retriever Training.


Advance Training

In Advanced Retriever Training, your dog’s skills will be extended to multiple marks (triples and quads) in more challenging cover and terrain and longer distances.  We also teach advanced blind retrieves.  If you are interested in a retriever that can run in advanced Hunt Tests or just want a fine-tuned finished gun dog, then Advanced Retriever Training is the option for you. 

This program takes a minimum of 6 months after completing Basic Training

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